Thursday, April 24, 2008

HerShe Girls Feed the Homeless

At the beginning of the program year, HerShe mentors decided to formally organize themselves into a Mentor Auxiliary Board and form committees. One committee that has really made a difference in the lives of others is the Community Service Committee. For both Thanksgiving and Christmas, HerShe girls spent these two holidays feeding the homeless at the Union Rescue Mission and the Salvation Army. This effort was led by mentor, Marlene Bonner. Marlene thought that the girls needed to know that they had something to give and that no matter how bad their situation is — there is always someone who needs their help.

For many of us hardworking Americans, 68% of us are only one paycheck from being homeless ourselves. Homeless people aren’t a random subset of the American population, but they are people like us who are suffering from an unfortunate circumstance.

Moreover, homelessness affects 70% of all foster youth emancipated from foster care. Half of LA’s homeless are foster youth. We hope that HerShe girls will never be on the receiving in of our service to the homeless.

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