Thirteen unmatched HerShe girls were paired up with mentors.
On Match Day, the girls and their soon to be mentors were busy with a ton of get-to-know-you games and activities provided by our wonderful Mentor Program Manager, Nina Bryson. During the same time, already matched HerShe girls went over their goals for the upcoming year with their mentors. Maurissa Sanders Mitchem, our HerShe PEP (post-emancipation program) Manager, led this discussion and offered many words of wisdom to the matched girls and mentors.
After lunch, which was generously donated by the wonderful Michelle Barton-Brown, unmatched girls were individually called up and told by Nina Bryson who their new mentors were. The girls responded in a multitude of ways (shrieks of pleasure, smiles, hugs, etc), but all in all everyone was most definitely happy with their match.
HerShe girl, Alisa W. stated “I had fun. I enjoyed myself. I really wanted Kari and I got her!” and HerShe girl, Molly D. stated “I liked it because I got who I really wanted. I screamed when I heard Yung’s name,” when asked what they felt about Mentor Match Day.
Good luck to all of our Mentor/Mentee pairs as they start off a new year together! And always remember that being a good Mentee/Mentor means spending lots of time together!